Monday, July 26, 2010

How do i find a spot for fake designer Louis Vuitton handbags?

Wellmainly the price Louie Vuitton is quite expensive, so if it seems to good to be true it most probably is. louis vuitton has great detail. Look at zips for the lv symbol. and also make sure the stiching is of high quality. There should also be a Louis Vuitton gold coloured stamp on the inside. Check out for more details. Its really good.How do i find a spot for fake designer Louis Vuitton handbags?
you can try to enter ,this is a very good website ,you can find the information you want .

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Sometimes the sellers on there signs put Louis Vuiton those are fakes

Anything in China Town (most of the time)


Replica Sites

Really only trust the offical site and stores like Saks
Why would you want a fake one? If you can't afford the real ones then don't bother. If you just wanna show off to your friends that you got a Louis Vuitton bag then it's probably not gonna work, because it's pretty easy to tell if one is fake.

But anyway, you should check Chinatown or something.
sometimes their name is a letter different or sometimes they have a not so nice. .thread. .that usually takes out after a week:)[ thats mah friend's fake Lv. .]
just find a cute desighner knock off and cut out the tags, tell your friends thats that is really expencive and ur mom found it at a rumage sale and bought it cheap because the seller had no clue wat it was! ;) doesnt matter who its from!
you cut it. [: and if it's real.. oops.
if something is spelt wrong, or ripped, or the colors are distorted a can get good ones in the nyc and china town :]

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