Friday, August 20, 2010

Argh! Party tomorow and spots!?

I've got a paty tomorow and I've suddenly had an outbreak of spots!! Nooo... I've tried concealer and stuff but then I just look like I have put on too much make-up. I don't have any time to go out and buy anything so could you give me some quick remedies? Please help;urgent!Argh! Party tomorow and spots!?

Put some toothpaste onto the spots and leave for a while then wash off and in the morning they should have dried out and flake off.

Or you could use ice cubes to get rid of the swelling and redness.

You will probs still need to use foundation/cover up but it wont look as bad as they might do now.

Hope All Goes Well

=)Argh! Party tomorow and spots!?
wash your face really good with hot water and lots of soap....then get a really HOT wash cloth and place it on your face for 15- 30 seconds to open your pores...then put neosporin on the spots...most people don't think of it but it really works!!
to be honest, i dont think anyone will care.. that always happens to me and i still manage to get boys if that's what you're worrying about ;) a good foundation will hide them.. if you look carefully you can find foundations that make your skin a normal colour rather than ones that give the tangerine effect.

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