chocolate spots - dont eat chocolate
heat spots - cooler enviroment
red spots - use green concealer it doesnt look green on your face
-dont wear as much make-up
-take your makeup off when you go to bed
- make sure your face is clean
-pop spots with a whitehead it means it has poison inside.How do i get get rid of spots?
Use a cleanser before bed and after you wake up to clean your face and refresh the skin- clean and clear is good.
Always take makeup off to keep your pores open and not clogged with foundation etc.
use savlon or sudacreme to heal spots.
good diet
basically all of that :)
hope ive helped
xHow do i get get rid of spots?
type it into the search for questions box, i have typed an answer for this question so many times!
Here is a list of spot -ridding question links!鈥?/a>
p.s i find drinking loads of water helps cz it flushes out toxins, also clean your skin daily to unblock pores, and if its still bad go to the doctors and ask for a topical lotion
willz said its diet related but as a matter of fact its not.
you can use a cream which contains Benzoyl Peroxide which drys off and removes the spot but go to a GP to get it.
And also wash your face twice a day to clear it from having germs.
Hope that helps
A cream from the chemist called Pan Oxyl, but only put a little bit on to begin with as it can make your skin a bit dry at first.
Also get into a good cleansing routine, always take your makeup off properly before bed.
A good diet, drink lots of water, use a facial scrub and put Germolene or Savlon on the spots to heal them.
Try the doctor as your first port of call. a course of antibiotics could sort you out in no time.
try hydrocortizone or whatever it is called.
allergies to anything?
join the with a pen and turn them into a picture
Last week I spilled Spot remover on my dog and I haven't seen him since.
drink plenty of water
wash your face morning %26amp; evening with cleanser
always moisturise after
avoid contact with your face
keep hair away from face at night %26amp; as much as possible
%26amp; be happy
peroxde on it
it really works
with a blast from a shotgun
could be diet related
Pick em off.
i agree with fjaguila
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