Monday, August 23, 2010

Why have i got so many spots?

It depends what kinds of spots you're talking about.

If they are spots from blemishes start eating right, seeing a dermatologist and perhaps getting facials.

If it is acne then is a big help.Why have i got so many spots?
I鈥檓 a beauty therapist and there are a few reasons that your face could be breaking out

1 hormones- if the pimples are situated mainly around your jaw its hormones and I鈥檓 sorry to say that there is not much you can do to stop them

2 cleanser- you could be using the wrong cleanser ( you need to use one that is for oily/ combination skin (not sure as I don鈥檛 know the extent of your break out) preferably one that is a foam based cleanser as this will help lift the oil from the skin or use one that is anti-bacterial

3 genetics- this one sucks! as you cant do anything to stop it but you can treat it with a good cleanser.

i have found out of all the different products that i have worked with dermalogica is the best. You can buy a travel size pack of the range so you can really see if it suits you with out spending too much. you can buy it only at a beauty salon or on eBay. Hope this helpsWhy have i got so many spots?
Eating chocolate doesn't actually affect your skin I've seen it in a few books and stuff. Just saying :)
you mean spots like marks or spots like pimples

make sure you dont eat choclate at all or sometime till you stop getting your pimples.

it worked for me

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