Friday, August 20, 2010

What kind of braids should I get to cover a spot on the top of my head? (aimed towards african americans)?

I have a bald spot about the size of a nickel on the top crown part of my head and I can't get mirco braids because Im getting them before I go off to school. I was thinking possibly cornrows....This question is aimed to African American women and any other suggestions and advice is greatly what kind of braids do you suggest?What kind of braids should I get to cover a spot on the top of my head? (aimed towards african americans)?
Micros would be better for covering the spot, but cornrows would work too. But maybe if you have a bald spot you should give the braids a rest for the summer and let your hair get stronger. Maybe a quick weave or a ponytail would be a better option to give your hair a rest. The micros are going to be a lot of tension and are only going to make the spot worse if your hair is not healthy/What kind of braids should I get to cover a spot on the top of my head? (aimed towards african americans)?
just do a french brade or somthing that is nice in the hair book!!!
You should get cornrows. That'll look cute.
I say conrows....If you think you have one bald spot wait till you get micros you may have more than just that one when you take them out....that is just personal experience...
Cornrows or kinky twists
  • eye makeup
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