Friday, August 20, 2010

Does sudocrem work on spots?


i also use it after shaving my bikini area and it stops me getting any shaving rash or ingrown hairsDoes sudocrem work on spots?
i use it and it really helps its worth a try, but not all my spots have gone but if you can get rid of a few with it then why not!

xxDoes sudocrem work on spots?
i found savolon better sudocream dry them out 2 much you cant cover with makeup, savolon clears them without the dry skin
Yup i had a really HUGE spot 2 days ago and i used sudocrem on it two times a day, and now its gone :):)
yeah! it drys them out. i used to use it but i used it all up and haven't been bothered to buy more.
No. It makes them worse.
never heard of that
  • eye makeup
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