but can u moisturise too much so that it gives u spots
ty xIf u dont moisturise can this give u spots?
If you don't moisturise skin usually gets dry and breaks, but really it just depends on your skin. I.e whether it's naturally dry (would need extra moisture), normal or oily (would need to balance the moisture). This determines what type of moisturiser you would use.
I doubt using or not using moisturiser causes spots, but when using moisturiser, it is always best to find the right one for your skin. This would then prevent you from having spots.If u dont moisturise can this give u spots?
I have heard that if you do not moisturise, and especially if you use quite harsh cleansers, the skin can produce too much oil to try and compensate for the drying out given it by the skincare routine. Also if the skin is so dry that it cracks, bacteria from one spot can spread through the cracks to other parts of the skin.
But if you moisturise with a heavy moisturiser that could block pores.
In both situations I am talking more blackheads or pimple breakouts not serious acne - acne might be different and a doctor could advise there.
So, the answer is to try a light moisturiser - a lotion not a cream, maybe one that says non-comedogenic (that means doesn't clog pores), and if needed, one that is designed for spotty skin (eg clean and clear etc). Simple do a light daily moisturiser you could try. Or you could use that at night, and just a gel in the day (eg. aloe vera gel, from health food stores), or vice versa.
Too much moisturiser gives you white spots, not sure bout no moisturiser, i know when i use none my skin feels really dry and horrible!
i gave u fckin amazin answer and u chose some other sh*tty answer for your best choice grr i hate that
and no, NOT mosturising dries the skin out and then you DONT get spots
if you dont moisturise then you will get spots
noo way
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